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Section 6: Sample Constructed-Response Question
TX PACT: LOTE Spanish: Early Childhood–Grade 12 (713)

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Sample Directions for the Constructed-Response Question

This section of the exam consists of a constructed-response question to which you must respond in the target language. You are to prepare a written response on the assigned topic. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response to the question.

Read the question carefully before you begin to write your response. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write. You may use the eraseable notebooklet provided to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your final response to this question must be typed in the response box provided on-screen with the question.

Please note that special characters (such as letters with accents or other diacritical marks) cannot be entered using the keyboard but are available for insertion in the on-screen response box. To access these characters, click on the ash symbol button that appears in the upper left corner of the screen. Using the mouse, click on the character you wish to include in your response and then select "Insert". The character will be inserted where the cursor is positioned in the response box.

Your score will depend on the extent to which you effectively communicate a whole message, in the target language, to the specified audience for the stated purpose. You will be assessed on your ability to express, organize, and support opinions and ideas, not on the position you take. Your response to the constructed-response question will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Purpose: The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience
  • Organization and Coherence: The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected
  • Development: The extent to which ideas are developed with relevant supporting details
  • Syntax and Grammar: The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar
  • Vocabulary: The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
  • Mechanics: The extent to which the response demonstrates accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

You are to prepare a written response to this assignment of approximately 300–400 words. Be sure to write about the assigned topic. You may not use any reference materials during the exam. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written and make any changes you think will improve your response.

Select the Next button to continue.

Sample Constructed-Response Question

Domain V—Presentational Writing

Competency 009—In response to a prompt, demonstrate the ability to construct a coherent, well-developed passage in Spanish that effectively communicates a message.

Read the prompt below.

Imagine that you are applying for an academic exchange program for teachers of Spanish. As part of your application, you are asked to write an essay in Spanish in which you provide your opinion on whether secondary-level students should attend school year-round. In your response, you must include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • your opinion on the topic; and
  • an explanation of reasons, evidence, or experience that supports your opinion.

Sample Strong Response

Extender el año escolar tiene sus ventajas y desventajas. Yo particularmente, creo que es una buena idea que los estudiantes a nivel secundario asistan al colegio durante los doce meses del año. El extender el año escolar brinda innumerables beneficios.

En primer lugar, necesitamos preparar a los estudiantes para el mundo laboral, y para lograrlo es necesario que adquieran la disciplina de tener solamente una o dos semanas de vacaciones un par de veces al año. La mayor parte de los empleos sólo permiten dos semanas de vacaciones inicialmente. Si los estudiantes ya están acostumbrados a ese tipo de horario, les es más fácil la transición de los estudios al trabajo.

Otra ventaja de extender el año escolar es que los estudiantes retienen mejor lo que han aprendido y no pierden ni la disciplina de ir a clases todos los días ni el ritmo del horario. Muchos maestros se quejan porque al principio del año escolar pasan demasiado tiempo repasando el material que los estudiantes ya deberían saber, pero que han olvidado durante el largo período de vacaciones.

También algunos de los padres se quejan porque muchos de ellos están ocupados trabajando, y además no tienen los suficientes recursos económicos para mandar a sus hijos a campamentos de verano o tomar vacaciones con ellos. Por consiguiente estos jóvenes generalmente están aburridos en sus casa, sin supervisión alguna. Muchos de ellos no aprovechan el tiempo para trabajar o para hacer algo constructivo.

Finalmente, quisiera aclarar que yo fui educada en un país donde el horario escolar consistía en seis días por semana desde las 8:00 de la mañana hasta 5:00 de la tarde. Igualmente deseo dejar claro que sólo teníamos un mes de vacaciones al final del año escolar. Yo opino que en gran parte mi éxito académico en estudios superiores ha sido debido a la experiencia que obtuve en la escuela secundaria. También atribuyo mi éxito profesional a la disciplina que adquirí durante todos esos años.

Sample Weak Response

Yo no creo que todos los estudiantes necesitan atender a la escuela todo el año. Muchos estudiantes tienen otros actividades después de su clases. Con eso, no hay bastante tiempo a atender la escuela y trabajan porque tienen que estudiar mucho y no pueden hacen todo. También, muchos estudiantes juegan en los juegos como fútbol y beísbol y no pueden jugar si hay clases todo el año. Los estudiantes necesitan retirar. Si atenden a las clases todos las meses, ellos no son vivos para hablar en clase y terminar la tarea que el maestro da a ellos. Los maestros necesitan retirar en el verano también. Si no tienen vacación, no pueden enseñar bien porque son cansados y los estudiantes tienen muchos estudios.

Performance Characteristics

Responses are scored holistically based on the following performance characteristics:

Purpose The extent to which the response fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience
Organization and Coherence The extent to which ideas are effectively sequenced and logically connected
Development The extent to which ideas are developed with relevant supporting details
Syntax and Grammar The extent to which the response exhibits a command of syntax and grammar
Vocabulary The extent to which the response demonstrates a command and range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
Mechanics The extent to which the response demonstrates accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

Score Scale

The four points of the scoring scale correspond to varying degrees of performance.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response reflects a thorough understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
  • The response thoroughly fulfills the assignment and is completely appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The ideas are effectively organized and logically connected.
  • The ideas are well developed with specific, relevant details.
  • The response exhibits a comprehensive command of syntax and grammar, containing only minor errors that do not interrupt communication.
  • The response demonstrates a strong command and broad range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions.
  • There are few, if any, errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation.
3 The "3" response reflects a general understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
  • The response generally fulfills the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The ideas are generally organized and connected.
  • The ideas are generally developed with some specific details.
  • The response exhibits an adequate command of syntax and grammar, although some errors may cause minor interruptions in communication.
  • The response demonstrates a general command and adequate range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions.
  • There are minor errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation, but these do not interfere with communication.
2 The "2" response reflects a limited understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
  • The response partially fulfills the assignment and may not be appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The ideas are partially organized; connections between ideas may be lacking.
  • The ideas are partially developed: details may be limited, repetitive, and/or partially irrelevant.
  • The response exhibits limited command of syntax and grammar; errors sometimes interfere with communication.
  • The response demonstrates a limited command and narrow range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions.
  • There are errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation that partially interfere with communication.
1 The "1" response reflects little understanding of relevant knowledge and skills.
  • The response fulfills little of the assignment and is inappropriate for the intended audience.
  • The ideas are unorganized and disjointed.
  • The ideas are not developed: there are few, if any, relevant supporting details.
  • The response exhibits little or no command of syntax and grammar; significant and frequent errors impede communication.
  • The response demonstrates a weak command of vocabulary, with little to no range. Idiomatic expressions, if used, may be inappropriate.
  • Errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation are so numerous that they impede communication.
U The response is unrelated to the assignment, is unreadable, is not written in the target language, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score.
B There is no response to the assignment.